Learn More About Pest Club

Treatment Sticker Success

Looking for a great way to keep your pest control business top of mind with current and future homeowners? Treatment stickers are the perfect solution! Not only will they remind your clients that you're the company that provides pest control at their home, but they'll also bring people back to you if they've used you in the past. And when your clients move out, treatment stickers posted in multiple locations will let the new homeowners know that you're the company to call for all their pest control needs. So why wait? Get started today with Treatment Sticker Success!  

Retail Price  $75


Included With A Pest Club Subscription…

Learn More About Pest Club

Meet Your Coach!

Gannon Mahaffay

Gannon has been thriving in the pest control industry since 1996. He has worked as a Technician, Sales Inspector, Manager, Marketing Director, Chemical & Equipment Supplier, 3-Time Pest Control Business Owner, Investor and Business Coach. Gannon's experience and knowledge have helped businesses achieve success they never thought possible.

Now, Gannon has created the world's best pest control e-learning & social media platform to help you grow your business. He is determined to help you reach your goals and achieve success.